Здравейте в дентална клиника "Дент Лидерс ", вашето място за фамилна и козметична дентална грижа в София.
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За нас най-важна е усмивката на всеки пациент и сме тук да го направим за вас.

Естетична стоматология
World over people use massage therapy to help promote healthy skin, nourish and strengthen the body, relieve stress, reduce pain, and encourage …

Новости в Дент Лидерс
Новости в дентална клиника ДЕНТ Лидерс От началото на месец Юни , "Дент Лидерс …
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Пародонтит Пародонтитът е инфекциозно …

Ендодонтското лечение Ендодонтското …

Имплантология Денталните импланти …
Opening Time
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Зъбният кариес
Зъбният кариес е инфекциозен процес, който засяга по-голямата част от хората, съпътства ги през целия им живот и зависи от динамичната…

Aquacare предимства!!!
Приятели, Горди сме да ви съобщим, че се оборудвахме с Aquacare - като дори сме от малкото практики в България,…
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Time Table
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | |
8:00 - 10:00 | Laboratory Analysis | Consultation | Pediatric Clinic | Consultation | Laboratory Analysis | Consultation |
10:00 - 14:00 | Laboratory Analysis | Consultation | Consultation | Laboratory Analysis | Laboratory Analysis | Consultation |
14:00 - 15:00 | Lecture | Dentists Office | Consultation | Lunch | Dentists Office | Lecture |
15:00 - 18:00 | Consultation | Meeting | Consultaion | Laboratory Analysis | Consultation | Meeting |
18:00 - 24:00 | Viewing equipment | Meeting | Clinic Work | Urgent Work | Viewing equipment | Meeting |
Person Profiles
"Practicing proper hand hygiene is the first measure that must be aggressively pursued. Hands must be rubbed for at least 15 seconds. Hand sanitizers containing minimum 60 percent alcohol should be used as frequently as much possible."
"The radiology department of the hospital boasts of American Board of Radiology certified physicians i.e. they are expert on acquiring and interpreting images for specific body parts or diseases. Our clinical skills are honed by collaboration with our clinical colleagues via interdisciplinary conferences."
"In this endeavor, while we have the best of an expert team of doctors taking care of the patients at one hand; we have an exemplary team of voluntary physicians and retired physicians who provide medical assistance to the not so wealthy class from negligible."
"The clinic stands apart in going a step ahead and working with the patient’s health care team to come up with a comprehensive treatment plan. This is because of the insight that many eye conditions stem from other medical conditions like diabetes, thyroid disorder, immune cell systems."
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We ensure that each patient is made to feel at
home and well looked after at all stages of life.
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How to create a WordPress-powered local business websites that bring results and get you more clients?https://t.co/T4CEZxhsaX
— ProteusThemes (@ProteusThemes) February 21, 2017
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With the clinic’s family oriented policies and extremely caring and sympathetic staff, we ensure that each patient is made to feel at home and well looked after at all stages of life. Keeping a cheerful staff and a relaxed ambiance, we strive to make each patient as comfortable and happy as possible.
With the clinic’s family oriented policies and extremely caring and sympathetic staff, we ensure that each patient is made to feel at home and well looked after at all stages of life. Keeping a cheerful staff and a relaxed ambiance, we strive to make each patient as comfortable and happy as possible.
With the clinic’s family oriented policies and extremely caring and sympathetic staff, we ensure that each patient is made to feel at home and well looked after at all stages of life. Keeping a cheerful staff and a relaxed ambiance, we strive to make each patient as comfortable and happy as possible.
Columns and Layouts
With the clinic’s family oriented policies and extremely caring and sympathetic staff, we ensure that each patient is made to feel at home and well looked after at all stages of life. Keeping a cheerful staff and a relaxed ambiance, we strive to make each patient as comfortable and happy as possible. Open 24/7; patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting. We pride ourselves on our prompt service. Experience our service and care once, and we are confident of becoming your exclusive choice.
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Experience our service and care once, and we are confident of becoming your exclusive choice.
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Experience our service and care once, and we are confident of becoming your exclusive choice.
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Experience our service and care once, and we are confident of becoming your exclusive choice.
Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting.
We pride ourselves on our prompt service. Experience our service and care once, and we are confident of becoming your exclusive choice.
Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting.
We pride ourselves on our prompt service. Experience our service and care once, and we are confident of becoming your exclusive choice.
Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting.
We pride ourselves on our prompt service. Experience our service and care once, and we are confident of becoming your exclusive choice.
Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting.
We pride ourselves on our prompt service. Experience our service and care once, and we are confident of becoming your exclusive choice.
Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting. We pride ourselves on our prompt service. Experience our service and care once, and we are confident of becoming your exclusive choice.
Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting. We pride ourselves on our prompt service. Experience our service and care once, and we are confident of becoming your exclusive choice.
Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting. We pride ourselves on our prompt service.
Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting. We pride ourselves on our prompt service.
Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting. We pride ourselves on our prompt service.
Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting. We pride ourselves on our prompt service.
Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting. We pride ourselves on our prompt service.
Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting. We pride ourselves on our prompt service.
Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting. We pride ourselves on our prompt service.
Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting.
Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting.
Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting.
Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting.
Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting.